The Bridled Tongue by Catherine Meyrick

I haven't done book reviews on this blog yet, but I think I'll start now. I came across Catherine Meyrick in the #historicalfiction #writingcommunity on twitter and saw her post for her current book. It fell right into my sweet spot, so I thought I would check it out. Since I'm relatively new in the twitter world, it was a fun concept to just anonymously check out a twitter friend's work and see how it read. It was revolutionary to me - it was wonderful! Hit every mark and kept me thoroughly entertained! This is a concept I should have remembered from my childhood in Nashville where it was so obvious that talent- jaw dropping, make you cry kind of talent doesn't always get recognized and rewarded by the industry.

This is not a knock on Catherine's book, it has gotten some good and well deserved accolades. It's just that discovering this book through my community on twitter made me realize how many wonderful things are out there that I might not otherwise discover. So look here to find some new reads!

Here is the review posted on goodreads and soon to follow on Amazon:

I haven’t read an Elizabethan era story in awhile, and this felt like pulling on a favorite sweater. The heroine, Alyce Bradley, was everything I look for; kind hearted, intellectually curious and dreaming of more than her society allowed young women. But that is only how the story begins and things get more interesting from there. The love story is compelling, and the fight for justice propels the story so forcefully that I stayed up way too late to see what would happen.

What I felt was unique to this story compared to others from the same era was the focus away from the aristocracy and politics, and more into the lives of the merchant class. In a small community rumors and misunderstandings threatening lives and livelihoods rings as true today as in 16th century England.

Well researched and crafted, Catherine’s work is thoughtful and thoroughly enjoyable, and I highly recommend!


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